By Dr Mandeep Singh
Muse with Mandy
This is a Podcast of short (6 minutes on an average) extempore on Spiritual Science by Prof Mandeep Singh, PhD in TeleCardiology. His students fondly call him Mandy Sir Ji. Professor Singh clearly brings out the distinction between Religion and Spirituality and guides his listeners to lead a contented, purposeful and blissful life. The Language used is a comfortable mix of Hindi and English sprinkled with Sacred Punjabi Shlokas.
Mandy Sir's Spiritual Learning Centre
Constitution (Bye-Laws)
Vision Statement:
To Realise Oneness
Mission Statement:
Raam Naam Japo
Saadhu ki Sangat aur Sewa karo
(Gur ki Sewa Shabad Vichaar)
Hukam Pehchaano aur Paalan karo
Mandy Sir’s Spiritual Learning Centre, thereafter known as the Learning Centre, shall be a single-person institution, the person being addressed to as the Mentor or Mandy SirJi.
The Learning Centre shall ever remain Non-Registered.
All expenses shall be paid for any event by the learners there and then with zero reserves kept in cash or kind.
The Learning Centre shall possess zero square inch of land, zero built property or intellectual properties like copyrights, patents, brands etc., zero capital items, and zero liabilities.
The learners may willingly pool sufficient resources to meet their expenses or sponsor fellow learners’ expenses for any event but shall maintain zero reserves. The unspent amount (from the sufficiently pooled resources) shall be returned to the contributing learners as soon as all expenses are paid for that event. Nothing is carried forward.
The Mentor and any learner shall never DEMAND anything in cash or kind from the fellow learners (though accepts customary dining/hospitality and expenses incurred as a reimbursement, or whatsoever is offered with love and gratitude).
All things, the site shall be on rent, paid neither in advance for more than one incident (event) nor keeping any payments in abeyance.
The Learning Centre shall have a simple website with static posts duly approved by the Mentor.
All information dissemination shall be through WhatsApp/Telegram/Equivalent.
The Mentor shall maintain records of all learners in Excel sheets and remain confidential (Password protected) with the Mentor.
The record shall also register the services/cash/goods the learners committed (and not given), mentioning the commitment period.
Whatsoever the learners share is to be accepted as a gift and not as a donation. Whatsoever is given to learners is also a gift and is not charity. This Centre is not and shall never be a charitable organisation.
Recruitment of new learners shall be made on the recommendation of active learners and approved by the Mentor.
Learners are active if they interact with the Mentor at least once within less than 100 days.
Passive learners are not removed but moved to archives. The Mentor reserves the right to remove any unruly member without assigning any reasons.
Exit policy: The Learning Centre shall have no successor. This Learning Centre shall automatically dissolve with the last breath of the Mentor. No IPR or brands are to be maintained after that. No updates on the website are to be made after that. The website’s domain name may be maintained optionally by paying Annual Charges.
The Mentor reserves sole rights to amend these bye-laws.
1. Naam: Elevated state of existence, filled with pure cosmic consciousness
2. Shabad: Instructions given by Master
3. Shabad instructs Sikh(Learner) to fill himself/herself with Naam
Lord, give me strength to change the things I can, tolerance to bear the things I cannot change, and wisdom to know the difference.